Export Events

Events Booking allow you to export events into Excel/CSV file. You can use that exported data to import it to other system if needed. The other use-case is that you can export the events data, make the change directly on the Excel/CSV file and import it back to the system to have the data updated. On Events management screen, you can press Export Events button in the toolbar to export the filtered events. Note that, before pressing Export Events button, you can filter events data you want and only events meet the filter will be exported

  • If you only want to export registrants from one event, select that event from Events filter dropdown
  • If you only want to export registrants with certain Status (Pending/Paid/Cancelled), you can choose that status from Status filter dropdown
  • You can also choose to export Past or future events or both.
  • You can also enter keyword in the searchbox to search for events and only the events match that keyword (in title, alias, short description, descripton) will be exported.

Export Events

Sample exported events